Social Media  & The Lost Art of Conversation 


It’s an all too  familiar scene–two individuals at a table sitting near each other but not talking to each other because they are on their phones. That’s what society has come to.  Our cell phones are taking over.  As dramatized in the Samuel L.Jackson movie ‘Cell’.

The movie is an exaggeration but there is some truth to the idea that our cellphones are consuming our social lives. In a way making us less social beings. Personal conversations are becoming a lost art and phone calls are becoming obsolete.

In the era of Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and other social media outlets, you don’t have to ask what someone did that day.  They’ve already tweeted about it, logged their location, and showed a video of how it went through said media outlets.

It’s  great.  You didn’t even have to do any work to find out what happened. What we neglect to consider are the  implications. For instance, calling a person on the phone allows you to hear  their voice interact  with them on a different level and engage your other senses including imagination.

In face-to-face conversations we miss out on the actual interaction allowing us to utilize all of our senses. As weird as it sounds, smelling, seeing, hearing touching, gesturing, and in some cases tasting are used during live interactions.  Whereas scrolling through social media posts deprives us of this multidimensional piece.

My point? Put down your phone. Call someone and discuss plans about your meet up  Have a drink. Have dinner. Have coffee. Whatever you do, do not have your cellphone out. You’re missing out on more than you think.

3 thoughts on “Social Media  & The Lost Art of Conversation 

  1. Ohhh this hit a nerve big time! I’m the ultimate social media creep (at least with FB and Instagram anyway). It can often feel like we have these incredibly meaningful relationships with out friends because so much of their lives is documented on the internet. So, why call and spend 30minutes chatting when you can scroll through instagram really quickly, or get a quick snapshot through twitter or some other form of social media. I do think these platforms have a way of creating intimate connections without borders but I’m definitely far too guilty of too much reliance on it.


    1. Social media is ingrained in us to a certain extent now. Even when I “cut myself off”, I still have to reconnect because of work, organizational stuff or family I can’t connect with otherwise. I guess the big picture is finding the right balance. I have 30 min left to finish the post & complete my thought btw 🙂


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